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NWS5 2019 | Hemp, Cannabis and the Black Market: A Discussion of Quality and Safety (Tech, Invest)

Hemp, Cannabis and the Black Market: A Discussion of Quality and Safety There are enormous profits to be made in cannabis and corporations are ready to do what they do best – acquire it, scale it, and mass distribute it. Quality control of product to needs to be established to assure a standard of shelf life stability, homogeneity and consider lab variability issues. There is a long road to standardization…what is the road map? Moderator & Speakers: Jocelyn Kane, Founder, 24 Palm Trees LLC, Vice President, CVCAN “Coachella Valley Cannabis Alliance Network (Moderator) Zachary Eisenberg – Vice President, Anresco Laboratories Garrett Graff – Managing Attorney, Hoban Law Group Mike Coner, President, ezGreen Compliance Swami Chaitanya – Co-Founder, Swami Selects